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1/21 - 2/2 期間,適逢農曆年停出貨。

A u t u m n    A n d    W i n t e r    2 0 1 6


Contradictions Coexist

Beyond what we would ordinarily imagine, there are many hidden contradictions that coexist within modern society. As such, the Rawpiece 2016 Autumn Winter Collection centres on the theme of “ Contradictions Coexist” in order to help further awareness about such issues, as well as reflect upon them visually through our most recent line of luxury leather bags.


  • Want to Need
    We always want more than we need, and the contradiction between what we need and what we want has become vague by overwhelming consumer advocates. The main concept has been shown with the liberal use of indulgant fabrics and designs that remain functional, all of which aim to highlight the issuea Rawpiece intends to discuss. 

  • Street Smart and Sharp
    Effective communication is defined with a very sharp idea being achieved via a street smart way manner. This contradiction is not only allowed but encouraged by modern society. The concept behind the collection merges two opposing elements into one multidimensional message, by employing visual conflict it tries to arouse customers’ desire to seek gratification and provoke powerful emotion.


  • Show off Simplicity
    Simplicity in style has become the mainstream which is evidenced by an overwhelming demand in the market, customers pursue simplicity without agreeing to the concept. As a result, we all share the illusion that simplicity is style. Somehow the contradictions between the inner desires to stand out along with the outer simplicity in style coexist without being judged as overly contrary. The design with two sides to represent the contradictions themselves, one stands for the true meaning of simplicity and the other for making a public display.